Daytime activities and how to find them
To support your well-being, you can look for activities to get involved in locally. Your local Age UK or Age Concern (or similar charity) will run groups such as; bridge, arts and crafts, coffee mornings and easy exercise classes. To find groups you can attend, search online, check local newsletters or your local library, council or U3a (University of the 3rd age) will also be able to point you in the right direction. Some activities will be free, and some will require payment.
U3a run local educational groups encouraging older people to share their skills and knowledge.
How to choose an activity
When choosing a suitable activity, ask your loved one or carer to help you review accessibility and contact the organisers to find out if there are spaces available.
Simple things you can do
If going to a group isn’t for you, perhaps try something as simple as taking a walk, completing a crossword puzzle, making something tasty to eat, drawing, writing or phoning a loved one.
The importance of mental and physical wellbeing
Wellbeing is being happy, healthy and comfortable, physically and mentally. Professionals suggest that there are five steps to positive mental health and wellbeing. These are; being active, staying social (connecting), being aware, giving/helping others and continuous learning.
Looking after our well-being is important, especially as we get older. Activities and social groups can help us to remain social and active in later life. This, in turn, can improve mental health and prevent loneliness.